
Monday, July 2, 2012

Menacing Hedge

I'm so honored and glad to be in the new issue of Menacing Hedge, an amazing online magazine with cool content and wonderfully disturbing cover images. This summer issue has a scary-looking Ferris wheel scene that totally twists my memories of the county 4-H fair.

My poems in this issue are scary, too, coinciding with weather and events around here.* One contains the sentence, "It's so Shakespearean, / summer in the Midwest," and our Illinois Shakespeare Festival has just opened in the broiling heat. Likewise, "August has a torque of its own, / roiling toward a storm." I'm sure that particular weather is coming soon.

You can read/hear my poems here, and see the whole table of contents here!--where you can click on anything you like.

On the header of any page, or here, you can also click on Scary Bush, to see what poets find scary, their juvenilia or wacky drafts or attempted poems that just didn't quite work.

I hope to be brave enough someday to submit to this section, too! Even the title of this section scares me, not to mention the (hilarious) banner image.

I love Menacing Hedge and hope to read the entire contents of this summer issue tomorrow morning, probably instead of lap swimming. Alas! Today and tomorrow, I could not swim laps, nor drive a car, due to an annoying routine midlife medical procedure. A somewhat "menacing hedge," so to speak. But all is well as long as I don't operate any large machinery in the next 24 hours.

And probably I shouldn't be writing this blog.**

Thanks to Wikipedia and Steffen Heinz for the huge hedge!

*And also coinciding with nothing around here--instead, going back in history to outlaws on the Natchez Trace and, alas, briefly visiting the Holocaust and suicidal depression. Just a little warning....

**For instance, in a draft of this, I spelled "hear" as "here" and I see a lot of other "here"s here, too. Hear, hear! (Makes no sense. Hey, it's a Random Coinciday. Plus, I think computers are large machinery. I believe I am driving mine...crazy right now.)


  1. Ewwww, the stapler! Add it to the heavy machinery list. Another friend just told me a carrot peeler horror story, so don't operate that either.

  2. You read so beautifully---loved the poems! Congrats!

    Scary Bush is so awesome. It reminds me of that reading series, Teen Angst poetry night...(everyone reads their own). It's totally endearing, you know?

    Hope your unpleasant procedure goes smoothly (and is over quickly).

  3. Excellent advice, Collagemama! Thanks. So far this next morning, the only machinery I've handled is the coffee maker, and all is well.

    Unless this isn't coffee...?

    Hannah, thanks for listening! I agree that the Scary Bush is endearing. I think most of my endearing teen angst went into a dumpster after a house fire, but I hope to recover something from the files! Hoping for an original to scan, so I can send them a visual!

  4. So much fun to hear you read.... And I'd never heard of Manacing Hedge before, so thanks! That art work is something. Congrats on the fabulous poems!

  5. Thanks so much, Carol, and I'm glad to have introduced you to Menacing Hedge, which is not menacing at all to work with! Sheer delight!

  6. Thanks so much for the link. This is a cool journal!

  7. You are most welcome, Karen, and I hope you send them some poems!

  8. I didn't know about Menacing Hedge - thanks for the introduction. Your poems are wonderful, and I enjoyed hearing them as well as reading.

    Hope you are feeling well and back on the big machines!

  9. Thanks, Donna! I hope you, too, will send MH some poems!

  10. I didn't know about Menacing Hedge, either. What a great name for a publication. Congratulations on being accepted. Wonderful poems!

  11. Thanks, Maureen! I am tickled to be helping spread the word on this wonderful magazine.

  12. Wonderful, wonderful poems and I adore your reading style. It was great to hear you say "Hello" before the reading of the first poem. :)

    As for the procedure: I hope you are fully recovered and back to laps and leapings of all kinds very very soon.

  13. I hope you will be able to work the corkscrew again soon, too.

  14. Alas, I've never been too good with a corkscrew! But I always enjoy the wine!


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