
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blackberries and Forgiveness

Here is a Study of Blackberries, by the wonderful Jonathan Koch. Today, the heat broke--came down from 105 to 85--and while it did not rain here, there was distant thunder, and the sky was dark in the south, so it probably rained somewhere. I bought a birdbath at the arts fair for the poor, hot birds, watered things in the shade, and I think we'll all be fine.

Church made me happy, full of peace, thanks to the topic of "The Sacred Self," or realizing one's "sacred potential." Oddly enough, this tied in with a novel I just read, The Art of Fielding, and three time-loop films my husband and I watched over the last three days, exploring the paradox of freewill and destiny. In all of these works of art, people do or don't realize their [sacred] potential, and I can study them to try to figure out how, or why, or why not.

I was a bit surprised to encounter the phrase "television shows" in Matthew 6:1-6, but I suppose this is one of those modern translations. Anyhoo, I still got the message that when I do good or give to charity, I should not do it publicly or to get admiration; instead, "don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing." Ah, I seldom know what my other hand is doing, so I'm OK, I think! Likewise, re: translation, I still hear "pray in your closet" when Matthew advises me to "go into your room and shut the door, and pray to the sacred one who resides in mystery..." and I see that, at this very moment, the closet door is ajar, so what the heck does that mean? Ah, I should not have announced the birdbath--a charitable act toward the birds!?--but it made me so darn happy. It's beautiful, and I bought something from an artist, which is the way I practice what I preach.

Oh, forgive me. Also, the new issue of Hobble Creek Review is up here. I have not had a chance to peruse it yet, but I will! I am glad to be in it, and glad of the fine company. Here is my poem, "Forgiveness in Lafayette."


  1. Congrats. Wonderful poem, Kathleen. So much gets carried in "Then the road bends."

  2. I loved this entire post and followed all the links...I have to agree that "Then the road bends" is a terrific final line, leading us into further possibility.

  3. I think the Susans should file charges for battery.

  4. Please pray for my closet. I'm having an attack of Too Much Stuff! The closet is not a jar. It is a jam-packed disaster. Adding Art of Fielding to my To Read list.

  5. Jam some blackberries in a jar! Then eat them!!


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