
Monday, July 9, 2012

Whistling Maid, Cackling Hen

The forget-me-nots and blue lobelia are blooming on this Blue Monday that is blissfully cool compared to last week: 20 degrees cooler + blue sky. Time for the 100 Rejections recap/tally, as the morning began with an email rejection, but of the nice sort, the "close, send again" sort!

Since September 1, when this tally began, I've sent out 101 official submissions, had 49 rejections, and 28 acceptances (several already published, thanks to the comparative speed of online publications). I see I am only halfway there if I plan to get 100 rejections by September 1, 2012. Ack!

It's been a great summer for print issues: SRPR (Spoon River Poetry Review) and Nimrod arrived recently; still awaiting Slipstream, among others. Likewise, recent online publications include Hobble Creek Reviewand Menacing Hedge, with Poemeleon pending, among others. So I feel active even in stasis, which aids patience. And the near misses are good, and there have been a few withdrawals, due to simultaneous submissions, a nice opportunity for poets these days.

*Notice the new call for submissions at Hobble Creek, re: Gulf Coast issue. More about that, from the editors, here.

And this morning, able to sit outside again, I drafted a poem at the picnic table, and designed next week's poetry workshop, creating assignments based on poems from Whistling Past the Graveyard, by Kristin Berkey-Abbott. Find out more about her here, but don't click the book cover, as it takes you to a business site in Japanese. Ack! Have I just clicked on a virus?

She's the whistling maid. I'm the (c)ack(l)ing hen. For a Superior Cackling Hen, click here (Bourbon Tabernacle Choir CD). For more on chickens, click here. Thanks to Andrei Niemimaki for the happy couple above. Ack! This has officially become a Random Coinciday.


  1. I admire your "rejections" -- I, on the other hand, am not doing so hot. Great job with all the acceptances.

  2. Thanks, Karen. It's good to be doing this with a group, for the moral support.

  3. I know, you totally inspire me. Thanks for sharing your numbers so openly!!

  4. Great project. I'm not sure what the painter's equivalent is, but I'm going to think about it.

  5. Thanks for commenting, Jean, and I'm sure those of us participating as poets would like to hear how you work it out and how it goes for you as an artist. In the past, submitting art has been sort of expensive compared to some ways poets can submit, though I am hoping new technology has made that easier, too! Let us know!

  6. That's wonderful! All those acceptances! Keep up the good work.

  7. I've dropped my goal to 40 rejections, a doable number for me, though still challenging. I've been spending so much time on novel revisions, it would be impossible to send out enough short story & poem submissions to make it to 100. Besides, some of those sillies don't seem to understand the true nature of my quest and accidentally accept my submissions! But I guess I can forgive them.

    Anyway, congratulations on your lovely acceptances, and your growing (and glowing!) rejection total!

  8. Thanks, Molly!

    Congrats on those silly accidental acceptances, Cathy!

  9. Yes, congrats on the acceptances AND rejections! I admire your verve.

  10. Thanks, Sarah! And thanks for the word "verve"! And I connect Verve with my Ella Fitzgerald CD, so now she's singing in my head!

  11. I love your positive outlook! It's our rejections that make us stronger. You go girl!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!