
Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to Blue

I'm back to blueberries on this Blue Monday, and the sky is back to its beautiful blue these past few days, after the much-needed drenching rain. I need to get outside and stay outside, but have been so busy with various bits of work here and there, chores, and the back-to-school energies.

Troubling news: shootings, the phrase "legitimate rape," the election grime.

But the Margie Piercy poem, "The Seven of Pentacles," gave me courage and plenty to think about, quoted in this reflection, Milestones. I'm going to keep thinking about what quiet, "underground" work I continue to do, and have faith in it.

Wait! What are pentacles? Thank you, of course, Wikipedia, both for the general definition and the seven of pentacles (previously, coins) in the tarot deck. I loved learning that "pentacle" might refer to five, a five-pointed or five-cornered thing, or a five-pointed star or pentagram, as pictured in the pile here. Or it might just refer to a pendant--a charm hung from the neck--from a French word. Possibly an amulet with magical powers. Somehow, I think all Harry Potter people know way more about pentacles than I do.

But I'm interested in how this fellow seems able to rake them up.

And thanks again to Jonathon Koch for the pile of Blueberries and Raspberries.


  1. Nice. My last post had something to do with Pentecost, so we are definitely moving in the same spheres.

  2. I like your idea about quiet, underground work....(so much to be angry about--I had to stop reading articles about the "legitimate rape" discussion....that there even is one....sigh).

  3. Pentacles reflect good things of the earth, and seven is the number of obstacles. The fellow on the card has himself a heap of earthly delights that are perhaps too much for him to handle, and now he has to choose the right thing from among them. He's thinking, I think, that it would almost be easier being poor.

    Just a little something to ponder, while choosing between blueberries and blackberries!


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