
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Chocolate Girl

I received this lovely postcard in the mail yesterday from poet Sarah J. Sloat,* who was in Saxony. It put me in the mood for hot chocolate, and wouldn't it be nice if a lovely maiden brought it to me on a tray with a glass of water.

This rainy and stormy day is indeed a good day to stay indoors and have hot chocolate. Real thunder on a Thor's Day in the blog, which happened last Thursday, too! Good to have some significant rain around here for a change.

Or tea would be nice, but I will probably be fine with instant cappuccino, cinnamon dulce flavor, made and served by me to me, no tray. No little pink cap.

Thanks to Jean-Etienne Liotard and Wikipedia, for the public domain images of his paintings.

*Thanks to Sarah J. Sloat, who has a new book out, for the postcard from Saxony. I love all mail, but letters and postcards are the best!

Acceptance letters are good, too, but lately it's been mostly rejections for me. One recent acceptance from Ekphrasis! I do love to write poems in response to paintings. Perhaps there is a pink-capped hot-chocolate poem in my future!

Lastly, a big fluffy black cat named Boo Radley is living with us this week. He appears to be hiding at the moment, perhaps because of the thunder, but he's very comfortable here, lounging with us, luxuriating under the petting, and purring up a storm. Every morning at 4:10, he checks to see if I wanted to get up or anything, and again at 6:10, and, after some petting and purring, I do.

Ooh, reading on the couch.** Another good option on a rainy day! 

**Possibly with a cat.


  1. Congrats on the acceptance to Ekphrasis! Let us know what you ekphrastized upon....

  2. The need for hot chocolate seems a world away at the moment, but I look forward to those rainy days whenever they may come.

  3. I am in love with that beautiful chocolate girl. So glad I had your address with me.
    Congrats on the acceptance.
    I finished your Nocturnes chap last night and loved it and the ekphrastic poems were some of my favorites.

  4. Mm, hot chocolate and a literary cat. Add a padded rocking chair and you'll have my dream cure for menstrual cramps.

  5. Hi Kathy. Glad the boobah is enjoying the love.

  6. Thanks, all! Chocolate love continues...


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