
Monday, November 5, 2012


...transparency, and other good stuff.

Some days I have to remind myself that my fragility (vulnerability, sensitivity, excruciating shyness, etc.) is a gift. Other days, I find this--Greta oto, the glasswinged butterfly!--and I'm OK.

I'm excited, and scared, about Election Day tomorrow. I'll vote before exercise class, unless there's a crazy long line or something; in that event, I'll vote after. Some locals I want to vote for are not on my ballot, so I supported them in other ways, but the President will be!

My parents voted early, as did a lot of other people I know, but I do love voting on Election Day!!


  1. Now that is a lovely and amazing creature...just like you. Happy Election Day. I'm on pins and needles too!

  2. Thanks, Sandy. Tomorrow will be a thrill....!!

  3. I'm nervous, too, but voted early. Wish I had the rush of optimism many of us were feeling in 2008.

    Now back to preparing an art class plan about transparency, fragility, and green glass.

  4. Love that butterfly! I had no idea such a thing existed.

  5. Oh dear, I understand your flutters. Thank you for the lovely butterfly. I'll think of that tomorrow when I feel them in my stomach!

  6. There was a sweet, short line. I voted and went to class with my sticker on my shirt! Yay! It feels good to be a good voting citizen.


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