
Saturday, November 3, 2012

London Assurance

I had completely forgotten about this production of London Assurance at Kenyon College, but a college friend, Mark Belden, later an acting colleague in Chicago, posted it on Facebook. It's weird to forget stuff you did and who you used to be! But it's all coming back, thanks to those yellow sleeves! I look kind of like a Disney princess. But I wasn't.


  1. Thanks, Brahm! And thanks to the yellow dress!

  2. You look like bluebirds will be landing on your shoulders any minute! Fabulous!!!

  3. As a kid I used to draw all my princesses in gowns just like this! I preferred magenta crayons, though. You look lovely!

  4. Yes, Disney princess for sure.

    It's strange what we remember and what we forget about our own lives. I've worked at the bookstore for so long now that there have been many people who've been my coworkers. I remember the first time it came up that I couldn't remember someone everyone else knew. It was very disconcerting.

  5. Ah, the mind! Thanks, dears, for bluebirds and magenta crayons. It takes me back even further.


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