
Friday, February 22, 2013

A Margarita for Millay

Today is Edna St. Vincent Millay's birthday! And Edward Gorey's birthday! And National Margarita Day in the USA! So let's celebrate!

If only I had remembered to get some margarita makings when I was at the grocery store yesterday, stocking up on milk and bread and eggs, thanks to the predicted thunder snow, two feet of it by some exaggerations! More like two inches, and I shoveled all of them off the driveway and sidewalks this morning in the pre-dawn, dawn, and actual morning, a fine workout (skipped Stretch & Tone class, as I had stretched and toned and sweated already!)

Anyhoo, here's a margarita for Vincent, seen here in the famous Carl Van Vechten portrait (above) and at Vassar with magnolia blossoms (northern-style magnolias). And one for you, too. A margarita. Or a magnolia blossom. Whichever you prefer.


  1. This is minor, but thanks for mentioning "northern style magnolia trees". Love the photos.

  2. I did the stocking-up thing too on Thursday...except I forgot to get extra milk. However I did have a lifetime supply of Fiber One bars, Wheat Thins, and Diet Coke. So I survived the 2 inches of snow just fine.

  3. You made me giggle, Kim. You all warmed my heart!


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