
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Granola Keyboard

As I was untidily eating my late breakfast in front of the computer today, I flicked a bit of granola onto my keyboard.

Result: Slattern Day meets Random Coinciday in the blog, and I Google "granola keyboard" to discover 1) two new blogs 2) a chocolate keyboard.

The chocolate keyboard, which would have been a perfect Valentine's Day gift for me, or birthday gift, or Edna St. Vincent Millay birthday gift yesterday, or Slattern Day or Random Coinciday gift, for that matter, exists only in our dreams (and this image, at Serious Eats and Gizmodo.) But somebody should actually make this, right? Because I would actually eat it.

The blogs I discovered are these:

1) Two Moms, a Little Time, and a Keyboard. Where you can find a recipe for cranberry granola bars and see entrepreneurial moms at work.

2) Granola 2 Glam. Where you can find a sneak peak, pix, and instructions for making a fabulous Happy Keyboard with washi tape, whatever that is.

Just found out. Washi tape is decorative semi-transparent Japanese masking tape. Much prettier and more delicate than duct tape, but just as useful!

You can buy some here, at Cute Tape ("where cuteness sticks") or on Etsy. While the bloggers above actually make $$ off advertisements, here I am giving free advertisement and linking you to my random finds. It's a different way of life, I admit. Sigh...

And why, I ask you, are there no actual pictures of granola in this blog post?!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!