
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Myna Birds

Happy Sunday! I am celebrating with myna birds, poetry, and fishnets for Jesus. Yes, my poem "Fishnets for Jesus," composed for my "Jesus-loving friend on Facebook," Paulette Beete, and posted there (at Facebook, as a Note), has been published in the whimsical and provocative online magazine Thirteen Myna Birds, the brainchild of Juliet Cook! I am tickled (by an imaginary pink feather boa!)

Thirteen Myna Birds posts 13 poems at a time, with submissions on a rolling basis (see guidelines on the right by scrolling down at the site), and when the new poems go up, the others are "etherized."

In my Random Coinciday of a life, I came across Juliet Cook by way of her chapbook Thirteen Designer Vaginas, which I reviewed for Fiddler Crab, all of it happening as I was discovering Hyacinth Girl Press, to which I had sent my own chapbook manuscript, Nocturnes. Sometimes the strands of my life are like a long braid down my back.

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy the wonderful variety of poems in this issue, which also provides donuts (spattered with blood), and maybe you'll seek out the jewelled vaginas, as well.

In other poetry-related news, the PoetsArtists From Motion to Stillness art exhibit opening & poetry reading was a wild, well-attended success! The Zhou B Art Center on 35th St. in Chicago--not far from White Sox Park!--is a great place.

And on Valentine's Day, my poem "Love/Songs" aired on Poetry Radio on WGLT, and you can hear it any time as a podcast. Many thanks to GLT and program producer and hosts Bruce Bergethon, Bill Morgan, and Kirstin Hotelling Zona.

Thanks, too, to the wonderful Wikipedia for the myna birds you see here! Particularly to Jcwf at nl.wikipedia for the white Bali myna, and to dead-and-public-domained Koryusai for the woodblock print of a black myna. It's a good reminder that someday I'll be dead and public domained, too. I can only hope I write some poems worth repeating, by humans or myna birds.


  1. I babysat for people who had a mynah bird. It would imitate everyone's voices perfectly. Little Johnny would let me know he was awake by standing up and rocking his squeaky baby bed. I went to his room & he was asleep. I went back to reading. Johnny squeaked his bed. He was still asleep! I then realized it was the mynah bird imitating the squeaky bed!

  2. Congratulations, Kathleen!

    I know Paulette will enjoy your poem. I've enjoyed getting to know her a bit online.

  3. Great mynah bird story, Sheila. And as for the magazine, I love the idea of poems being etherized. (Although I hope the poets are keeping a hard copy somewhere.)

    You are on to such a rich web of online connections to poetry, Kathleen. It's exciting how vibrant that world is.

  4. Hooray for lots of poems! I'm going to go read some right now.

  5. Thanks, dears. In Britain, we are birds, too.


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