
Monday, February 18, 2013


We've been on some college visits for my daughter, and, on two recent visits, it rained. Today started out sunny, but while we were in presentations the sky darkened, the wind picked up, and, though we were merely drizzled upon when we went out, it poured as we were leaving.

On another trip, it poured the whole day. The campus admissions office provided umbrellas! I remember that I picked my college even though it was overcast and very gloomy the day I visited. I figure if you can love a place in the rain, you'll probably love it in the sunshine! So on this Blue Monday, as I ponder empty nesting, I wish my daughter well as she ponders her upcoming decisions.

And I wish these travelers well, surprised by sudden rain. Thanks, Hiroshige! And thanks, Juni from Kyoto, Japan, for the contemporary rain. It's all the same rain, isn't it?


  1. When I visited Kenyon for my college visit, in April, it snowed during my walk around the campus. I should have realized that was a sign . . .


  2. Rainy here tonight, too.

    In the rain, we just need festive wellies and umbrellas to cheer us up :).

  3. Ah. A sign of what, Bob?

    Hannah, yes, cheer. We woke to sunshine and snow today. Light snow, at the edges.

  4. I'm down with rain. The pictures soothe my soul.

  5. Happy birthday! I've been having trouble with comments going to an error message.

  6. Thank you, Nancy! This one came through!


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