
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Good Luck

I always feel like one of the lucky ones in life: I am loved. I can love. I do love. Know what I mean?

Yes, I'm a melancholic. But we have a deep capacity for joy, too. In case you were wondering.

Anyhoo, I always feel lucky when I find the artist to match the poet in our Escape Into Life poetry features. The new poet up today is Luisa A. Igloria, who has been writing a poem a day for a really long time over at Via Negativa. But she had some poems to spare! So I snapped them up.

In pairing her with an artist, I was looking for color, especially yellow and blue and green, and for transparency, and I found them all in Markus Ã…kesson. You can go see, but here's an example: the first stanza of "Dragon."

It’s said luck follows those
born in the year of the fire-breather,
a time blue with the sticky, fluted
scales of rain-moths.

See the rain moths?! See what I mean? Synchronicity out the wazoo. As I like to say.

As for me, I was born in the year of the cock (rooster) and am headed toward osteo-porosis, but I still feel lucky. Spring is coming, then summer, with lap swimming. And before that, April, the "cruellest month," with plenty of poetry, more art, and more swimmers. 

Till then, floating along, eyes on the skies.


  1. Wonderful EIL feature, Kathleen. I am always impressed by the perfect pairing with the artworks.

  2. Thank you, Maureen. I love doing it.

  3. Fabuloso! Seeing some connection, unspecific, to the pre-Raphaelite paintings of Ophelia floating. Must be the hyper-phthalo greenness.

    Oh, and fear of osteoporosis...

  4. Wow. Another great paring. Thanks for introducing me to both these artists.

  5. Thanks, Robert and Nene. And don't forget to sign up for the Big Poetry Giveaway 2013, here and/or at the other participating blogs!


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