
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Big Poetry Giveaway 2013

Speaking of getting my ducks in a row for National Poetry Month, I'm doing the Big Poetry Giveaway again, this year hosted by poet Susan Rich. If you are a poet/blogger, you can sign up here, at her blog, The Alchemist's Kitchen. If you like to read poetry and want to win a free book, you can participate whether or not you blog or write! Just leave a comment about which book you'd like to receive, and, in early May, I'll pull two names out of a basket, announce the winners, and mail a book to each. (You can send your mailing address by email; see Contact Info tab above.)

I'm giving away a copy of my most recent chapbook, Nocturnes (Hyacinth Girl Press, 2012). It contains "night songs" and lyric poems, some published previously in After Hours, Blue Five Notebook (Blue Fifth Review), Fifth Wednesday, Poetry Porch, and Poems & Plays. Many thanks to these and other journals, and to Margaret Bashaar of Hyacinth Girl Press!

Another winner will receive They Say This, edited by one of my favorite poets, Richard Jones. This is a double issue of his journal Poetry East that constitutes an anthology of poems, essays on poetics, and short essays by contemporary poets praising books of poems they loved. They Say This contains poems by Mary Oliver, Sharon Olds, Thomas Lynch, Tess Gallagher, Gary Metras, Sam Hamill, and Hayden Carruth, and essays by Denise Levertov, Alice Fulton, Olga Broumas, Lucia Maria Perillo, and Gregory Dunne.

And many more!

They Say This brings together pieces from previous issues, including the out-of-print first Origins issue (#43) that I keep on a shelf over my writing desk, along with #55, a later collection of Origins: Poets on the Composition Process.

Soon, I can add another Origins issue, coming out this Spring! It will contain one of my own poems, "Damage," from Broken Sonnets, and a brief essay about its genesis.

I'm tickled pink.

Or, today, red. For Human Rights and Marriage Equality.

OK, so just comment below if you'd like a chance to win a free book. And say which, if you have a preference.


  1. Thanks, Maureen. You're in the basket. It's an Easter basket.

  2. I'm in--for either the poet I know, or the poet I don't.

  3. I'm in! Thanks so much. Blogger is having problems at the moment but as soon as it is working I will add your link to the list. Sorry for the delay.

  4. Thanks, Seana and Susan. You are both in the basket, which shall be shaken, not stirred.

  5. Poetry is a little(lot) over my head but maybe "Noctures" would shift my understanding some.

  6. Thanks, Ted. I'll put you in the Easter basket! Nocturnes is pretty straightforward. I don't think you'll have a problem understanding the poems!

  7. Nice to meet you! Please add me to the drawing.


    whipplea [at] gmail [dot] com

  8. Good to meet you, Allyson, and happy to add your name to the Easter basket, on actual Easter.

  9. I love this giveaway idea! Thanks.

  10. Please count me in, for either book!

  11. Steph, you are in the basket!

    Unknown, you are, too, but I might need to know a little more...if you win!

  12. thank you for participating in the give away.

  13. Jennifer, I'll put your name in the basket!

  14. A signed copy of your Nocturnes (first pick) and then the Richard Jones tome would be my choices… A wonderful idea! Alexandra

  15. Alexandra, your name, your picks, and your email are tidily folded up and in the basket! Thanks for signing up.

  16. Please count me in, and thanks for doing this!

  17. You're in the basket, Andew! Adorable picture. If you win, I see I'll be sending a book to Manila!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!