
Monday, March 25, 2013

In the Bleak Middle of Why...

...oh why isn't it spring yet? (Background music: "In the Bleak Midwinter") Yes, we were dumped on. By 7-9 inches of snow, or, if you look at the picnic table heaped with snow in the back yard, about a foot. The roof is prettily drifted, like a swirled cake top. The driveway, however, was like a sheet cake. For a giant.

Not complaining, really. It's been a mild winter, and high temps are predicted, and this will melt and water the earth. My tulips are on their way up, day lilies, iris.

My pink and white begonias bloomed all winter long in pots in the house. All winter long!

That's Christina Rossetii. She wrote the poem that became the hymn, "In the Bleak Midwinter." Thank you again, Wikipedia.

Back to Middletown...


  1. I thought we might not be hearing from you a lot with the play and all. So the fact that we are is one good thing, in the bleak midspring...

  2. Meanwhile here in Sydney, it's supposed to be Autumn, but the temps are in the mid 80s F. (had to look that up for you - we use Celsius here).

  3. You two are dear hearts. Seana, yes, I'll still be here, just intermittently and perhaps in an even MORE scatterbrained fashion.

    Jeronimus, thanks for looking that up. I've been hearing about your terrible heat from another virtual friend in Australia, too! Sigh. Poor you.

  4. Well done on the blooming begonias! My pink geranium bloomed occasionally while wintering in the laundry room. Each time it seems the last very final ultimate freeze is past, I take it out to the patio. Now it is back in with the washer and worm composting bin after two nights in the low thirties. Glad to hear from you!

  5. And now the white geranium is leaning toward the light and ready to pop!!


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