
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Poetry Schmoetry

OMG, it's Day 6 of National Poetry Month, and, like many poets all across America, I am writing a poem a day. Today's prompt is "pick-up sticks," from the nursery rhyme, and I brought it on myself, in that I am in the habit of providing 30 random prompts for my in-person poetry workshop (now defunct) and an online forum I host, where I am a bit of a slattern.

This year I posted the exact same prompts in the serious, "good" poetry forum and the silly, "bad" poetry forum, for ultimate release. In both cases, a bunch of the poems will be truly bad. Others will simply be messy and need severe tidying up. Sigh...

Good thing it's Slattern Day in the blog. And have I mentioned my untidy house? (I also have play practice this afternoon, and a photo shoot, which will reveal my messy, ever-whitening hair.) One, two, buckle my shoe...


  1. See a penny
    Pick it up
    All the day
    You'll have good luck

    in those green shoes.

    Do you know the children's picture book called "Rhyming Dust Bunnies"?

  2. I might have heard of it from you!

  3. I wrote my own list of prompts for April. So far that's all I have written. Hmm.

  4. I'm playing pick-up sticks with a poem of my own this afternoon....and then reshuffling of a new manuscript. Erranding within the world of poetry!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!