
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Sunny & warm enough to walk into town today, to do banking & go to the post office. Florida stamps! I sent off a Christmas gift, utterly delayed... Yes, I am behind in many things, but I am indeed writing a poem a day this April. A few will last.

I just realized my otherwise unpublished poem "Unpaid Leave" was on Poetry Radio, WGLT, and here it is for you to listen to, with music by Danny Gotham and Glenn Mehrbach, "A Child is Born" from Sundays Two. The poem first aired March 28. I may have been preoccupied with snow. But it's a summery poem, if you need to warm up. For some reason, it makes me cry.

Also, it has tomato soup in it, as does the play Middletown, which I'm rehearsing tonight. The tomato soup scene. And the scene in which a child is born. Synchronicity again.

Please go read some short, wonderful poems by Lawrence Arancio over at Escape Into Life, with weird, wonderful family wamily photos by Julie Blackmon.


  1. Love the superhero and Julie Blackmon's images. Charles Addams must be chuckling.

  2. I never seem able to leave a comment at EIL anymore; it always tells me my e-mail address already is taken (yes, by me). Anyway, a lovely selection of poems, Kathleen. And, as always, beautifully paired with art.

  3. Sigh, I know, Maureen. Even I can't leave a comment there! Something must have gone screwy. I'll ask...

    Thanks, Sandy. Whew!

    Thanks, Nancy. Tee hee!

  4. I love those great images, Kathleen! I hope it's a wonderful, sunny weekend for you.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!