
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Busting Out

Background music:
"June is Bustin' Out All Over" from Carousel.

Blooming now:
Prairie Blue Eyes

Still blooming:
Day lilies (orange), blue and lavender spiderwort, golden columbine (on its last spindly legs), bright blue mountain bluet, and plenty of dianthus--in pink, white, hot pink, and peppermint striped.

My dad busted out of the hospital on Friday! Wooee. He came home on a perfect summer day. Blue sky, puffy white clouds, voluminous breeze. He ate a good lunch (non-hospital food), napped on the couch, and sat outside in a lawn chair gazing at the corn, the sky, the grass, and the not-lost vegetable garden. (Weeding, I found the carrots! Tiny.  And nearly ready-to-eat green peppers.)

Today he is having (right now!) his first home care visit from a nurse, and home care physical therapy will start next week. Thanks for all your good wishes.


  1. This resonated with me, evoking visions of my Mom coming home and enjoying real, non-hospital, life once again. Thanks!


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