
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Three Hour Tour

Background music: the theme from Gilligan's Island.

Foreground music: computer fan.

Sense of humor: intact.

I refer to my dad's sense of humor, as he recovers from surgery and considers la vita nuova, meaning "the new life" in the Transitional Care Unit (rehabilitation, physical therapy, and self care at the hospital facility) and living on the first floor of the farmhouse for a while once he gets home. He went to the ER on June 15, and it's been a bit more than a "three hour tour."

Jaunty sailing music.

The art above (called Three Hour Tour) is by Brian Taylor, who also, clearly, has a sense of humor. And coincidentally shares a last name with Keith Taylor, the poet up at Escape Into Life today.

Brian Taylor creates three-dimensional books, displayed open in shadow boxes. His photography and art adorns the other pages, too, which are now never to be seen again, part of the old life, so to speak, yet still evoked by the open pages. The one with the TV in the road is called The West, Then and Now.

The one below: Lake, Boy, Indian.

Poet Keith Taylor also has a doubleness in his poems--myth & memory, forgotten and remembered names, terror and secret joy, blind and seeing. Please take a look!


  1. Gilligan GarfunkelJune 26, 2013 at 4:27 PM

    Glad your Dad is doing better. The hospital scene sure is a bummer. As a visitor, I keep drinking beverages out of nervousness. Then I head down the hall to the bathroom. Back and forth, back and forth.(I won't use the one in the patient's room.)

    I like the art work you include; these in particular. If you have a minute, google Maggie Taylor. Surreal and beautiful. I would buy her stuff and adorn my walls, if they sold cheap copies.

  2. Wow! I did Google her! I am delighted that she's in Gainesville, Florida, as I spent my first 5 years there!!

  3. An especially apt pairing, Kathleen.

    Senses of humor are wonderfully useful :).

  4. My mom has had her share of hospital stays lately too. She has had back surgery twice. I feel for you and hope your dad continues to do well with his recovery. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog today. I love the poetic tone of your blog. :)

  5. Glad your dad's sense of humor is up and running. If there's any better healing tool, I sure don't know what it is.


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