
Friday, June 7, 2013

Co-inka Dink

Imaginary background music: "Inka Dinka Doo" as sung by Jimmy Durante. Actual background music here, or video here!

And a tip of the hat to Wikipedia for this public domain image of Jimmy Durante, a favorite singer, actor, narrator from my childhood. Snippets of "Inka Dinka Doo," particularly "inka dinka dink," are permanently folded into my origami brain!

I met with a poet pal yesterday to plan a future reading, and she'd just been to a family reunion in New Orleans with a nephew who'd just graduated from high school, here, and was talking about a poet who'd read at graduation, and was actually quoting phrases from the poem! That poet was me. Co-inka dink #1!

My daughter wandered into the kitchen for breakfast, and, not only does she know this nephew, she just helped him get a job at the restaurant where she works! Co-inka dink #2!

As our meeting progressed, my poet pal called to confirm with another poet who'll be involved in the reading. She said a friend of hers has a grandson who just graduated here and was enthusiastic about a poet who'd read at graduation. Co-ink #Mee!

I think this may be the biggest moment of my literary career.

Speaking of sweet co-inka dinks, yesterday I posted a review of Inksuite, by Sarah J. Sloat, over at Escape Into Life. I love her work--smart, short, often funny poems, and also beautiful, heart-punching poems with indelible images--and this chapbook from dancing girl press is unified in being about typeface and printed matter. Check it out. Or, better yet, buy it!


  1. Oh my goodness, you are FAMOUS! Wahooooooo! It's always a stunner when someone quotes me back to me, but to hear about it this way is even better! Rock on, my friend!

  2. Famous among people who THREW OFF THEIR HATS!!

  3. It's amazing to be famous! Congrats. I hope the paparazzi aren't out on your lawn?

    Thanks again for reviewing my chap.

  4. It's amazing to be famous! Congrats. I hope the paparazzi aren't out on your lawn?

    Thanks again for reviewing my chap.

  5. It's amazing to be famous! Congrats. I hope the paparazzi aren't out on your lawn?

    Thanks again for reviewing my chap.

  6. That is fabulous! Very few speakers at commencements make any impact on their audience.

  7. All your comments delight me! No paparazzi yet, but I might have practice campers in tents this summer.

  8. Ponyboy GarfunkelJune 8, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    Congratulations on being quoted. I once had a woman use one of my poems to sop up a spill. I'm hoping for better.

    For me, and from your era, it was Sandy Becker's Hambone, right out of NYC. From out of nowhere, it kicks in to my fog noggin, even at funerals:

    Hambone, Hambone, where ya been?
    Round the world and I'm goin agin.
    Hambone, Hambone where's your wife?
    In the kitchin cookin rice.

  9. Kathleen, What a thrill this post is!
    All those connection, person to person to you!

    Jimmy was a fav in my childhood too.

    We have sun today. Hoping things will dry out. Floating gardens of Hamlin!


  10. Kathleen, what a thrill this post is!
    Person to person to you!

    Jimmy was a fav in my childhood too.





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