
Monday, June 3, 2013

Back in the Swim of Things

OK, this is happen-ing! The red grape spider-wort is starting to open. The Ohio blue and lavender blue are already abundant. It's a blue-sky day, one of two in the forecast before the storms return. The furnace came on again last night, but I went to the pool anyway for the first day of outdoor lap swimming. Yay!

And now, because I briefly can, I am going back outside to read and write, and maybe weed, but ...nope. The gardening tools and gloves are in the shed where the house wren stares back at me like a miniature Grumpy Cat from the nest she built in her favorite bucket. She's sitting on 6 eggs.

A couple of them might belong to a brown-headed cowbird, but she's keeping them warm.

And this is still happening!


  1. Nature is still happening all the time everyday and it just blows my mind sometimes! Don't mess with the wren.

  2. YAY, flowers! Lilacs around these parts.....smells wonderful outside. Happy outdoor-reading!


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