
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Synchronicity/Public Transportation

Yesterday I rode in a horse-drawn carriage. This horse, this carriage (news video). I was in beautiful downtown Bloomington, Illinois, and the news video is in beautiful Uptown Normal, Illinois. The horse is Randy; the driver is Zack Hileman. Very pleasant, and I got to wave at people!

On May 16, I was blogging about the WGLT Good To Go Commuter Challenge. My church participated, and we won our division! We logged a lot of miles on bike, foot, bus, and carpool! Little did I know that on that same day, May 16, my poem "The Human Community," about public transportation, and sort of about being glass, transparent, a window, a floaty thing, mentioned in the blog post, was actually airing on WGLT Poety Radio! Thanks to those who read it and liked it. This is a place you can hear it, too. (And now I've updated the older blog post to reflect the synchronicity!)

Many thanks again to Glass: A Journal of Poetry for publishing the poem last year, and again to Mogens Engelund for the Swedish window with a glassblower's mark. Many thanks to the glasswinged butterfly for existing in the world.


  1. Two thumbs up for Zack and Randy. I hope his venture is a big success.

    I got to ride in a horse-drawn carriage when I married. What a surprise that was when I exited the church doors and found it waiting.

  2. Neato, Maureen! Zack does weddings, too!


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