
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Trotter Fountain

Here I am, as Georgina Trotter, at the 102nd anniversary event for the Trotter Fountain, a sculpture by Lorado Taft. What a delight. The weather held, I arrived by horse and carriage (Zach, driver, and Randy, horse), and I learned so much about area history, the Trotter family, and world-class sculptor Lorado Taft--in various speeches by Trotter Fountain supporters, Bill Kemp (librarian at the McLean County Museum of History), and Mel Theobald (artist and art historian). Great turnout, too, with children playing in the park just as Lorado Taft (like me, back from the dead), spoke of wanting children to play in the park near the fountain!

Many thanks to Barb Micetic Lancaster, a Trotter descendant, for asking me to perform, to Judy Brown for getting me in my petticoat, and to Dana Colcleasure for this fun photograph. I sort of look like I'm floating!


  1. That's one strange looking fountain--I love it! It's great that you've reincarnated Georgina. Reincarnating is a wonderful talent!

  2. Or maybe I'm a whirling dervish. An Irish dervish.


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