
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Going Back Outside, Probably to Sit in a Chair...

..and read or write or dream... because I can! It's summer, and I work at home, and it's not storming yet, and I still need to comb the tangles out of my hair from my morning swim...

Here's the new poetry feature, Francine Ringold, longtime editor of Nimrod, up at Escape Into Life. There's a dog named Pete in it, plus this fantastic photography by EIL artist Diana Lemieux.

I'm imagining that the woman in the chair resembles Francine Leffler Ringold when she was younger--she was a performer and had a one-woman show about dancer Isadora Duncan. Check out her author photo & compare eyebrows.

If so, it's a Random Coinciday in the blog!

I love my life in a small town. The mail carrier just rang the doorbell to say I needed to add 20 cents to an envelope (daughter sending a thank you note with graduation photos in it), so I did, and all is well. Oddly, he was smoking a brown cigarette or a tiny cigar. You don't see that much these days.

Off I go into my ragged dreaming...


  1. I've been pondering ways to use photos from a library reject book about Isadora Duncan.

    Your smoking mailperson is quite a hoot.

  2. I don't think he reads my blog.

  3. It's my work-at-home day, and I'm about to spend six hours wonking away on the computer, but you have inspired me to take some patio breaks as well! We're having one of those lovely post-thunderstorm days, where everything's grown an inch overnight.

  4. BEAUTIFUL photos, Kathleen. Very dreamy.

  5. Thanks, dears, and enjoy the sunny outdoors if/where/when you can! I know it was terribly stormy & windy in some spots.

  6. Not today maybe, but by tomorrow afternoon I promise to clean off a chair and sit outside with a book. Thanks for the inspiration!


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