
Friday, June 14, 2013

Needed: Good Vibes

Hey, I need some good vibes for my dad who has a blood clot in his leg. He is doing all the right stuff about it: taking it easy, elevating the leg, giving himself shots (er, medication), and going to the doctor. Please send some good vibes to my mom, too, who is doing all this with him.

The Cranky Doodle Day part of this post is that he was supposed to leave Saturday for Gambier, Ohio, to attend the Kenyon Playwrights Conference and this looks less and less likely, alas. And darn it.

He also couldn't attend last night's History Makers Gala at ISU's Brown Ballroom, a lovely event created by the McLean County Museum of History to 1) honor local people who are making history by living their lives! 2) have a cool way to hold their annual meeting! With food and wine!

My dad wrote the script for this event last year, and I wrote it this year. He was part of the initial planning and is responsible for the bells!--but was too busy with directing Middletown at Heartland Theatre to do this year's script. It was great fun and a privilege to be involved this year. Rhys Lovell did a wonderful job directing spirited actors who brought people from the past back to honor people in the present. Yay to all of this, and here's an account, with pix, from The Pantagraph.

Also, please send some good vibes to The Bloggess.  Because wine.


  1. Consider good vibrations sent out to all three of you.

    xo Richard

  2. Good vibes headed your family's way!!?

  3. Good vibes duly sent to both your parents, and to Bloggess, and to you too. I'm sorry about the bad luck timing wise for your dad, but I hope that otherwise the clouds will all lift for everyone.

    I just have a cold, but that's not the same thing.

  4. Thanks, everybody. Your good vibes are already helping!!

  5. Sending the vibes to all of you. Special delivery.

  6. I am late to your post--but you may need some back-up good vibes, so here they are. Keeping your mom and dad and you in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. The vibes are on the way! Your dad sounds like a very cool guy.

  8. He is a cool guy! And in darn good spirits, given all the trouble, inconvenience, and pain.

    Thank you all for the good vibes, thoughts, and prayers.

  9. You've got my good vibes, Kathleen. Hope he's feeling better.

  10. Trying to make some clot-dissolving vibes. Hope your Dad recovers quickly.

  11. Thanks again, all. Now we need some good doctor vibes.

  12. Sending good thoughts your way!

    Thinking of you and your family.


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