
Monday, June 17, 2013

Lost in Space

Thanks for the good vibes, everybody. My dad had some surgery this morning, and is doing fine, resting, and will no doubt be a good candidate for a quick recovery via physical therapy. His blood clots and baker's cyst are still there, but now he's got a filter that will keep any floating debris from colliding with his heart. So that's good.

Every time I go in the hospital, I find his room, Room 241, just fine. Or eventually. It's getting out of the hospital that's the problem. I can't seem to retrace my steps. Or I retrace my mistaken steps many times.

True, there's been renovation and new construction. And, yes, some of the staff don't even know how to get from here to there due to the changes. But they all seem to be able to get out!

And, though lost in the hospital, I always get out. With help.

Meanwhile, I remain a little lost in the space of my head. Today I got maybe two things done, besides lap swimming and visiting my dad and mom. Maybe three. But with a lot of retracing my mental steps.


  1. Visiting with your mom and dad is worth so much! My best wishes that your dad will have a very speedy recovery.

  2. Love and healing thoughts to you and your Dad (and your whole family).

  3. Glad you are still swimming to take care of yourself.

  4. So pleased to learn all with be fine for your father. Wishing him a speedy recovery, and you a quick exit from that hospital maze (perhaps there's a poem somewhere in there).

  5. Thinking of you.

  6. Thanks, dear hearts. He had to be supine all day, poor him. And now supine all night, but sleeping! Which is better than 1) worrying 2) being uncomfortable.

  7. Hospitals and courthouses are some of the most mind altering places in the world, necessary though they are. Glad you found your way out!

  8. Buenos sentimientos para tus padres y tu, mi amiga

  9. Thanks to all. Arthritis appears to be here, too, complicating things.


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