
Friday, July 12, 2013

"Aha!" And, "Alas!"

Sad news this week. The artistic director of Heartland Theatre Company, Mike Dobbins, died, after a sudden health crisis. Alas.

He was a fun, funny, hardworking guy. We had Nebraska and Illinois in common. He directed me in my first play at Heartland, Skylight, by David Hare, in which I cooked a spaghetti dinner onstage, and we had to rig up a sink with running water. We did it.

The show must go on.

So, the show will go on tonight: New Plays from the Heartland, one-acts on the theme of "the Aha! moment." I'm feeling for Gail, his wife, and all the actors and crew who have worked with Mike in the past. It's like a "paper cut to the heart," the title of one of tonight's plays, by Terri Ryburn. I'm sort of afraid to see it. But maybe it's funny, and we'll all come together laughing. Or crying. Or both.

Who will hand out the 5-star bottled water at Heartland now?



  1. Oh, Kathleen, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Sending sympathy.

  2. Kathleen--In the weird realm of random coincidinks, Mike Dobbins was the drama teacher at my high school, Lincoln East. I was not a drama freak, but I had many friends who adored "Dobbins". In my memory, he drove a car like the one in "Harold and Maude". I'll pass this sad news on to his former students. Sigh. Also, I will try to get some old yearbook photos to you.

  3. Thank you, Sandy, and oh, my, Nancy, that is an amazing coincidence. Thank you for carrying the sad news to those who need to hear it. Visitation and funeral on August 3, here.

  4. Todd Wineburner did a beautiful curtain speech. And handed out the 5-star water.

  5. As I read your blog I thought the last sentence before I read it..who will hand out the water? And now we know the mystical connection with CollageMama a few years later. I am overwhelmed with it all.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!