
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cranky When Muggy

We caved and turned on the air conditioning yesterday. Because we can get cranky when it's muggy. But the rain will relieve things, and we will probably turn it off again tomorrow!

Another cure for crankiness is humor. I hope you enjoy these funny, clever, powerful poems by Aaron Anstett, just up at Escape Into Life, and the hilarious text art by Wayne WhiteHot Shots and Know-It-Alls reminds me of my own cranky humor as a failed sit-down comic, and Crapola reminds me of how I feel about so many of my failed poem drafts (especially in April, the Cruelest National Poetry Month). Aaron Anstett's poetry is, of course, not crapola.

In other Hump of the Week news, my dad is doing very well!--recovering from leg surgery, up and around and off the walker (indoors, with a "Cadillac-of-walkers" big-wheels walker for outdoor use on the uneven ground), and in a good mood. So he's over the hump. And my husband is a sexy painter.

(This one is called Sexy Painters.) Not that I would ever say anything random.

1 comment:

  1. I love Wayne White's stuff--so crazy and fun.

    Glad to hear the positive update about your dad, Kathleen. Happy weekend (almost!) to you!


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