
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Linear Time

I've been so delightfully busy I lost track of linear time. On Wednesday morning, I was suddenly convinced it was Thursday. Plus, I ran out of groceries and accidentally bought Oreo-sprinkled brownies. Of course, this might all be the paint thinner talking....

Anyhoo, we had a great opening weekend for Earth and Sky, by Douglas Post, at Heartland Theatre! I'm serving as dramaturg for that and giving the curtain speech. Tonight we resume under the full moon!

Over at Escape Into Life, I've posted a review of Her Vena Amoris, by Carol Berg, one of our EIL poets. Usually I do that on "poetry Wednesday," but see Wednesday/Thursday confusion above. Fortunately, our new Artist Watch editor, Maureen E. Doallas (also an EIL poet, as it happens!), was ready to go with a new art feature, too!

In my own poetry life, I am busily composing new poems, submitting work as fall reading periods open up, and receiving rejections galore and the occasional acceptance! I need some really good news soon to keep my spirits up, or I might resort to the Oreo-sprinkled brownies. Purchased, in fact, because the kids are coming home for the weekend to see Earth and Sky. And for love!!


  1. Don't you just love mixing things up?!

  2. Yes! Sort of. Thanks to you, it was all OK!

  3. "Accidentally" buying Oreo brownies sounds highly suspicious. Were you vetted by USIS?


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