
Monday, September 23, 2013

Memory Walk

See this beautiful, labyrinthine, mosaic table? I wish it were mine! I bought raffle tickets for this table, made by the excellent Kim Tingley, but, went to someone else. However, the rafflish proceeds will go toward the Walk to End Alzheimer's, coming up this Saturday, September 28, in our area. I will be walking, and so will the excellent Kim Tingley, and you can support us, individually or as a team, by clicking here!

We are the Progressive BiPeds, led by co-pastor and dog trainer Bob Ryder, of New Covenant Community and Pawsitive Transformations. We are BiPeds, as opposed to dogs, but maybe a dog will join us! A lively, yet well-trained dog named Daisy! (Or maybe this wolf will join us, howling!) Anyhowl...

Alzheimer's runs in my family: my grandmother (in older age) and my Uncle Terry (at a younger age, alas!) died with/from Alzheimer's, and we have friends in local care facilities now. I pause (get it, paws?) to reassure you that my ins and outs with linear time are simply how my regular origami brain works.

Our hearts go out to all affected, and my feet are made for walking. No doubt I'll be wearing these red shoes. Again, you can donate here, at the walk site, and I hope you will, because it looks like I have raised nothing toward the cause, but I promise you I made a small donation to the team before I realized I could be in town that day to walk, and, of course, there were those greedy-for-a-mosaic-table raffle tickets I bought, yearning, yearning...


  1. A wonderful effort! What a great prize, although completing the walk for such a good cause will bring much satisfaction and joy, I'm sure.

  2. Thanks, Maureen! Exactly. I'm doing the walking part in moral and physical support! (I did the small donating part separately!) It's all good.

  3. This is my favorite of Kim's mosaic creations so far. Happy walking.

  4. Thank you, and you are a dear heart!

  5. Holy moly, thanks, dears! Several donations have come in, and we'll be thinking of so many people as we walk.


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