
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Abundant Love

It's a month of praise and thanksgiving, and today I'm thankful that the marriage equality bill in Illinois was passed in House and Senate and sent on to the Governor to be signed into law. Love and equality for all.

"Praise Your Life" is the first poem in the new poetry feature up at Escape Into Life today, by Andrea Potos, with art by Caravaggio!

I so enjoyed The History of Love, by Nicole Krauss, and discussing it with my book group last night, with plenty of red wine, snacks, and beer. One of our usual members was off celebrating (and/or resting) after the important vote in Springfield! She and her partner have patiently and relentlessly spoken to legislators about marriage equality, and now here it is, at hand! Thank you, Suzie and Danielle!

And here's a lovely young man bringing a basket of fruit to your Thanksgiving table. Thank you, public domain!


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!