
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Making a Date

I have a new poem out there in the world, "Making a Date," based on a photograph taken by Eudora Welty in Grenada, Mississippi in in 1935. It's in the new issue of the museum of americana, a fabulous literary journal that is celebrating Americana in creative ways. And how about this bee making a date with a hibiscus in a fabulous photo taken by my daughter this past summer in Michigan?! For more of her pix, go here!


  1. Two great photos. And if anyone wants to see the other photo after reading the poem, they could go here:

    You nailed it, Kathleen.

  2. Thanks, Seana. That's exactly it, re: link. I was surprised these weren't in public domain, as part of a government project.... I have a book of her photos. Wonderful. She's one of my favorite writers, too.

  3. I like the poem! I didn't even realize Welty was such a good photographer.

  4. Thanks, Cathy. Yes, she's amazing!


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