
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fickle Connectivity

I'm delighted to have 2 poems up in Fickle Muses, an online journal of myth and legend. Both are based on the life and work of sculptor Camille Claudel. "Red Umbrella" incorporates a sort of legend about herself, based on local gossip that she escaped her room at night by way of a red umbrella. "Sakuntala" is the story of Sakuntala, spelled various ways, rejected by and reunited with her lover, from Hindu culture. Claudel created a beautiful, tender sculpture of Sakuntala, the recognition scene.

It's been difficult to blog lately--due to fun things, like being busy with kids home for the weekend, but also because of limited connectivity issues with the fickle Internet. (Probably the modem. Sigh...) So, if you don't hear from me, 1) I've been kicked off the Internet 2) I'm stuck in a snowdrift 3) I threw my back out shoveling snow 4) I am lost in the freezing fog... 5) I am out (or at the window) gazing at the glorious full moon!

But, surely, I'll be back.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!