
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Speaking of Sculpture

Speaking of Sakuntala, as I was yesterday, specifically Camille Claudel's sculpture of her reunion with her lover Dushyanta, here is the poster for Claudel, with dancers taking the pose. And here again is the poem, that retells the legend in the voice of Sakuntala but also in the voice of Claudel, whose lover made her a promise he could not keep.

This and other poems will be spoken by my sister, an actress in Columbus, and performed by Columbus Dance Theatre, with new music by Korine Fujiwara of the Carpe Diem String Quartet in January. You can imagine what a thrill this is for me! Here's the Claudel sculpture, and Wes Kroninger took the photo of the CDT dancers!

And here, at Escape Into Life, is another sculpture, a stone bride, her visions captured in songs by Nicolette Wong, in her chapbook Stone Bride Madrigals. I reviewed it in the form of a cento taken from bits of all eleven poems in the book. That was also a thrill. David Heg took the photo for the book cover.


  1. "Claudel" sounds like it will be a terrific performance. How wonderful that your sister is a participant.

  2. Thanks, Maureen. I will get to see her at Christmastime and hear how rehearsals are going!

  3. That's a great tribute to her work, Kathleen. You ain't slowing down for the holidays, are you?

  4. Thanks, Seana! Oh, I'll take a little break.

  5. Oh Kathleen, if I could experience, but once, of this pleasure through your eyes, your erudite mind and the pleasure palace of your heart

    have a nice holiday, mi amiga

  6. By the way, there will not be naked dancers.


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