
Friday, December 20, 2013

Slow Waltz

I'm slowing down here, moving into Christmas week. Also slowed down by the fog but glad the temps are warm! I proofed galleys for Interior Sculpture: poems in the voice of Camille Claudel, forthcoming in January from dancing girl press. I think the cover will play with this famous sculpture of hers, The Waltz. This is a chapbook of poems written for the dance collaboration, Claudel, 20 poems, of which Columbus Dance Theatre will enact 15. Many thanks to Kristy Bowen for choosing the manuscript, designing the cover, and living with the crazy timing! She also took 3 of the Claudel poems for Wicked Alice, an elegant thing. My connectivity issue continues, a further slowing down...of the Internet sort. Hmm, does fog impede the Internet? Off to waltz in bronze. Slowly.


  1. Wonderful!

    Will look forward to getting a copy of the chapbook.

    Blessings for your Christmas week. Enjoy!

  2. Oh yay! I can't wait to read that chapbook!!! Congrats, Kathleen that's awesome! xoxo

  3. All very artful and lovely! I hope you have a slow, happy Christmas, and that your internet connection renews itself for Solstice!

    We had some problems with our connection a few months ago, and when we called our provider it turned out one of their transmission stations (or whatever they call them) was buggy. I thought it was strange that no one else reported it, but apparently no one else did.

  4. Thank you all for your goodwill and very happy holidays to you!


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