
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Blue Satsumas

Boy, it sure felt good to get out of the house yesterday! As soon as the temperature hit zero, we got out to shovel the driveway, our walk, and our neighbor's, so mail carrier and dog walkers can go by safely and not in the street! Then we went to the bank, the library, and the grocery store! Wooee!

And, boy, it sure feels good to be back inside, warm and safe. A pipe upstairs is frozen, as usual. Each year we take steps to prevent or solve this recurring problem.This year those steps included drilling a small hole in the bathroom ceiling downstairs, to let the heat get in and rise to the trouble spot. Since it's now 12 degrees outside, rather than 12 below, our hopes are high.

But don't those satsuma mandarins look cold? Heh heh. It's a study on blue paper by Jonathan Koch. And be sure to check out the blue Christmas tree and other snapshots by Terry Kinney, up today at Escape Into Life with some of his poems. He's a multi-talented guy, and a very fine actor!

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