
Monday, January 6, 2014

Interior Sculpture

It's a Blue Monday in the blog, but I am not blue. The sky is blue on this sunny cold day, officially -15, with a "feels like" wind chill factor of -50 at the moment. Fortunately, schools and many businesses are closed, so people can stay home. My son gets to work from home today in Chicago, and my parents unfroze their pipes out in the country, so they have water as well as heat!

Here's the book cover for Interior Sculpture: poems in the voice of Camille Claudel, which might warm things up!  The book is already available at dancing girl press. (Maybe you'd like to order it online, a nice indoor activity!) I am tickled, and this makes it a Poetry Someday in the blog, as well.

The cover is based on Camille Claudel's famous sculpture, The Waltz. And here's a link to information on Columbus Dance Theatre and its upcoming production of Claudel, a world premiere. Plus, Juliette Binoche stars in a new film about her, Camille Claudel 1915, that I hope to see when it comes, but accounts of it do match much of my research and interpretation of her life. Looking forward to a busy January of dance and film!

Poems from the book appear now in Arsenic Lobster, Heron Tree, and Fickle Muses (see links in list to the right) and are forthcoming in Eclectica, Menacing Hedge, and Wicked Alice. Thanks so much for your interest and support if you look for the poems and order the book!


  1. Waiting for the collection to come. So looking forward to reading it. Love your poetry!

  2. Thank you, Maureen! She is working on a big order for me to take to Columbus, Ohio (uh, weather pending, I guess), so there might be a wait, or she might send individual copies as those orders come in. I just hope she's warm and safe! Maybe making books is just the thing for that!

  3. Oh!! How wonderful! These look beautiful, Kathleen. I hope I'm in town for your show!!!

  4. I just ordered one. Congratulations!

  5. Thank you, Seana! So did my mom!

  6. Hi Kathleen! I got mine - thanks a million. The poems are great (and I adore the teal bluegreen cover).

  7. Glad to hear it, Sarah! And thank YOU.


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