
Monday, March 17, 2014

Green Monday

Happy St. Patrick's Day! That makes a Green Monday of this Blue Monday in the blog. I am enjoying the last few minutes of the blue sky, as well as being back on the Internet! Thank you, Frontier, for the new modem. Why did we not realize this sooner? Oh, well, glad to be back and up to speed.

I'm always a little blue after the kids visit, because then they go away again...  Daughter is done with her spring break; son has gone back to Chicago after a visit. Even my sister and her daughter were in town this weekend! But now it's blue/green Monday all over the place.

Over at Escape Into Life, Scott Klavan has taken a look at the one-person show in general and Satchmo at the Waldorf in particular. The accompanying art by Jim Naughten also looks at the black man uncomfortable in the white man's "costume." Much to ponder here.

And I saw a giant leprechaun and many people wearing green on Saturday, coming back into town from the state volleyball tournament just in time for the St. Patrick's Day parade.

Blue + yellow = green


  1. At least you're not a meteorologist.

    Happy St. Pat's, although it will probably not be that at the time you read this.

  2. Funny! Although now I do sort of want to be a meteorologist!


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