
Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Last Days

Lots of stuff happening lately, and I am too busy (and too busy being kicked off the Internet) to blog about it. So I will provide an untidy list of links on this Slattern Day in the blog between loads of laundry (and lint):

1. New sports blogger at Escape Into Life! Mark Lewis, a former newspaper copy editor in the last days of newspapers, is also a sports official! Check out The Art of Sports!

2. New set of translations up at EIL: poems by Circe Maia (in Spanish) side by side with English translations (by Jesse Lee Kercheval). Plus mixed media art by Sage Vaughn with butterflies, birds, and street scenes.

3. Kicked off the Internet. Back on the Internet. Inexplicably unable to connect again. Powers of deduction applied (since I have no powers of technology), leading to realization that the other networked computer in the house must be on and connected to the Internet before my computer can be connected. I hasten to say that this was not previously the case, lest you think me a broad of little brain. Well, it's true, I've killed (quite) a few brain cells. Because wine. As they say.

4. Fabulous new art, with wild and bright colors, up at EIL: Carol Lukitsch, thanks to Artist Watch editor Maureen E. Doallas.

5. Daughter came home again, for Transfer Day at ISU. Looks like we'll have a sophomore living at home again soon! Everything's looking great for a transfer into the changing Journalism program! Uh oh, see #1 re: "the last days of newspapers." But, fear not, that's part of the changing major: making sure you know how to do everything as a journalist: news writing, photos, video, broadcast, website, social media. Luckily, both my children do have powers of technology!

6. Announcement of new leadership at Heartland Theatre Company! Congrats to Gail Dobbins and Chris Connelly.

7. New book review by Seana Graham up at EIL: Gilead, by Marilynne Robinson, one of my own faves. My husband is reading the companion novel, Home, right now. We loved the film Housekeeping, and I started seeking Robinson out as an author after that.

Intersperse "play practice" and "line memorization" between each of the above, and there you have it. Plus laundry. Not very much dusting going on lately. I'm such a slattern.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention, Kathleen. I think I may be the only person who hadn't read Gilead yet, so it may not be that helpful to others, but it was good to write about it.

    I noticed the new sports writer over there--EIL is becoming quite the happening place!

    I also put a review up on my own book review blog of a certain little chapbook called Interior Sculpture which I enjoyed very much. I'm not really qualified to review it, exactly, but that doesn't mean I can't help publicize it.


Go ahead and comment, and I will publish it after I get an email notification! Thanks!