
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Sign Language

I'm ten poems into National Poetry Month. Whew! Today I was doing some private poetry tutoring, reminding my excellent poet pal/tutee to keep it simple, not "poetic" (re: images, symbols, poetic devices). Those things are named by others, later, reading, studying, teaching, interpreting poems. We are not putting in poetic devices. We are writing poems, a much simpler (and way more difficult) thing to do.

Hmm. I hope she understood me!

Though I am keeping up with writing a poem a day, I am still a little behind on some other things. For instance, while I usually do participate in Kelli Russell Agodon's wonderful Big Poetry Giveaway in April, I didn't get it together this year. Instead, I posted a reminder at Escape Into Life, and you'll see some individual poets' giveaway posts here if you scroll down the blogroll on the right.

Today at EIL, theatre writer Scott Klavan has reviewed a play about "Dummy" Hoy, a baseball player who was deaf and taught the umpire some hand signals so he could keep track of the call without getting struck out while he turned to read the ump's lips. The fabulous art, photos of an installation, is by Nicola Yeoman.


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