
Monday, April 14, 2014

Wondrous Wild Beasts

Here is the cover of the spring issue of Menacing Hedge. I have 6 poems in it from the Camille Claudel series, with audio. The "something wild" theme is woven throughout the issue, though the Claudel poems are fairly tame in comparison, containing "the bone of a lamb." Well, I guess the Devil and crazy people are there, too.

We had wild weather last night, taking my daughter back to college after a visit home. Wind and rain. Today is a Blue Monday, cloudy with a faint threat of snow, everyone gone. My son was here, too, changing from winter tires to rain tires on his little car, which made it back to Chicago safely in the rain. Our wild weekend included a balmy day in the seventies and much love and joy.

On April 14, I'm 14 poems into poem-a-day National Poetry Month. Today's poem was about teeth.


  1. Lovely poems and readings.
    I guess women "leaning in" is now more than gossiping.

  2. Thanks, Sarah. Ah, yes, an irony...

  3. Congratulations, Kathleen. Wonderful poems.

  4. Nothing is wasted. All
    is golden squander

    So great!

  5. Thank you dearly, and I've moved into a golden belief in that!


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