
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I Was Unplugged

Sometimes when I go away to Michigan with my family wamily for a week, I can't remember my blog password when I get back. I kept my phone charged because I had to contact people at week's end, but, in the meantime, nobody called me! When I got home, nobody had called me (except the appointment desk to reschedule a fasting blood test later in August; it had already been rescheduled once, and I rescheduled it for the day on which it had originally been scheduled. Loop-de-loop. I hope all the wine has worn off by then.) I think this means I live a fairly unplugged life much of the time. Or nobody likes me.

We had a lovely time in Michigan! Good company, good fun, good food, good wine. That's me, my mom, my sister, and my niece. Why does my mom look blurry? Why is the bust of a woman wearing Mardi Gras beads looking down her nose at us?

At week's end, I attended an annual champagne-drinking girls sleepover, while the hubby and kids visited the Garfield Conservatory (wow!) and played beach volleyball with friends.

It was also a thrill to read poems at Woman Made Gallery on Sunday afternoon, with a fabulous bunch of poets. I got to meet Donna Vorreyer, a poet I admire, and other fine poets who were also reading or in the lively, lovely audience. It was grand to meet several people I'd only met online. "You're so real," I said to Donna, who had/has a couple readings of her own in Chicago this month, too. Wish I could attend.

I came home to 2 rejections, a poetry award nomination, and poems to proofread for September publication. And lots of intense theatre work, preparing for the play I will direct this month for September performances, The Language Archive, by Julia Cho.

Part of my "unplugged" time was spent in preparation, perusing the play for the umpteenth time, making more notes, and re-reading The Art of Directing, by John W. Kirk, the guy in this picture, and picking the brain of my dear director sister, on the right.


  1. The Language Archive is such a wonderful play. Forum Theatre (which is the resident theater company in my hood) produced it a few seasons ago. Have fun! PS I certainly miss you when you unplug!

  2. Such beautiful pictures! and congrats on all the poetry news--someone obviously likes you! That's better than all the phone calls, I'm sure!

  3. wonderful pics Kathleen. gracias for sharing.

    where is your play going to be performing?

  4. Sounds like a wonderful, relaxing, adult sort of vacation. My fasting blood work is next Tuesday. May we both have success on the first poke!

  5. Thanks, dears. (I know you like me. Me and Sally Field.)

    Marcoantonio, the play will be at Heartland Theatre Company in Normal, Illinois.

    Paulette, that's great about the Forum. I'd love to talk with you about that production!

    Nancy, ah, yes, poking in middle has such different connotations.

    Carol, I am indeed happy when the phone doesn't ring! Silence is golden, as they say.

  6. Hi Kathleen. Don't worry, I've noticed that nobody seems to use the phone anymore to communicate, just internet.
    Hope your test result is good.

  7. Thanks, jeronimus! I'm not worried on either count!

  8. I so loved meeting you and hearing you read - you are so really real, too!


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