
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Surprised Beyond Lilies

Well, it's Slattern Day in the blog, and, while I'm still as much as a slattern as ever in my house, I am tidy in my mind. And, though loving a little downtime, no slouch. I took an 8-mile bike ride this morning, past a lovely row of a neighbor's surprise lilies, those lovely, ghostly pale mauve lilies on tall stems, no foliage, and then on to the Farmer's Market. (Thanks for the ride, Dave Hirst!)

A bad surprise: yesterday my son tumbled over his handlebars (avoiding a car) on his daily commute to work (in Chicago), and banged his elbow. Today he woke up with more aches and pains. But nothing is broken, and the doctor says he should feel better in a few days. Good thing! It's the elbow on his drawing arm, and he's an industrial designer!

While I was unplugged, the yard and garden thrived despite a lack of rain, and Australia happened in the flower bed next to the toolshed. That is, lantana writ itself large in the corner by the downspout and the shed wall. Surviving beside it: echinacea, gloriosa daisies, and poinsettia. Oh, August, I love you.

Two nice literary surprises:

1. One of our EIL nominees has been accepted for New Poetry from the Midwest: "Child Sobbing at the Library" by Matthew Murrey.

2. New EIL book review by Seana Graham: Line of Fire: Diary of an Unknown Soldier--August, September 1914 (re: centenary of the beginning of World War I).

Must go weed. In my untidy back yard.


  1. Congratulations to Michael Murrey. It's a beautiful poem.

    Yu are indeed no slouch if you go off on 8 mile bike rides. The problem for me with bicycles currently is that a wonderful ride described seems always to be paired with some biking calamity. I'm glad your son is okay!

  2. We called them "Mystery Lilies". It was a mystery anything grew or flowered in our dry backyard.

  3. Yes! Another friend knows them as Magic Lilies.


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