
Monday, February 1, 2016

Invisibility of Women

Speaking of the invisibility of women, as I was on Saturday in the blog, here is a wonderful NPR story I heard this morning about an art exhibit in L.A., portraits, by Rebecca Campbell, of fellow women artists, to keep them from "becoming invisible." You can read or listen to the Susan Stamberg story at the NPR website, seeing some of the portraits. And here's more about it at the gallery itself, LA Louver.

In celebrating my own invisibility via book cover, I am not celebrating the invisibility of women. I see women.* And I hope the poems help readers see women, too, the way the portraits do in this exhibit. There's even invisible critique of the "male gaze" in these poems, several of them ekphrastic, responding to paintings of women by men. Women at work, all kinds of work, work some people don't even see as work. But it is.

Happy February. Watch out for your shadow tomorrow. If you have a shadow, you're not invisible!**

*As in "I see dead people."

**And if you're reading this, you're probably not a groundhog.

Thanks to Cephas & Wikimedia for the groundhog/woodchuck.

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